PIM Backup v2.8

TooL Backup Favorit ni, nggak perLu khawatir kehiLangan data kaLo anda-anda pada mau upgrade ROM, tinggaL pake tooLs ini, simpLe dan reLiabLe.... (hehehe keminggris)

PIM Backup v2.8
This tool has been made in order to replace the PPCBckpContacts application.
As its predecessor, PPCPimBackup allows to backup/restore the Personal information of the pocket pc user, but new functionalities have been added.

This tool allows to backup/restore:
  1. Appointments
  2. CaLL Logs
  3. Contacts
  4. Messages (SMS, MaiLs, etc)
  5. Speed DiaLs
  6. Task 

Software ini nggak perLu diinstaLL kok coy, cukup di copy aja fiLe exe nya ke storage card dan eksekusi

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posted by N-R-A in PDA software

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